
The jQuery() function returns a jQuery object that can be treated as a collection of matched elements in the DOM based on passed argument(s). Argument can be:

  • string with css selector
  • an existing jQuery object
  • DOM element or array of DOM elements
  • an object of type PlainObject
  • string with HTML code, that will be parsed; further you can add it to document

The $() function is synonymous of jQuery() function.

// select all <li> elements in document and add them class bar

$("li").each(function( index ) {
  console.log( index + ": " + $(this).text());

Below is a list of properties and methods that allow you to treat a jQuery object as a collection.

property description
length Contains the length of collection.
method description
get(ind) Retrieves the element in the collection by index. You can also use the [] operator. You can use a negative value, in which case the index is treated as length - ind.
first() Returns new jQuery object from the first element.
last() Returns new jQuery object from the last element.
eq(ind) Returns new jQuery object from the specified element. You can use a negative value, in which case the index is treated as length - ind.
slice(start [, end]) Returns new jQuery object from the specified range. If end is omitted, all elements after start will be included in the result.

Returns new jQuery object with elements added to the current selection.

each(cb) Executes a cb callback for each element in the collection. The cb callback has two parameters
  • index - zero-based index of current element
  • element - the current DOM element, you can also use the this keyword to access the current element
map(cb) Creates a new jQuery object containing the return values of calling cb callback on each element. The cb callback has two parameters:
  • index - zero-based index of current element
  • element - the current DOM element, you can also use the this keyword to access the current element
filter(sel | cb)

Creates a new jQuery object by filtering the collection using a given selector or callback function.

The sel parameter can be

  • string with css selector
  • DOM element or array of DOM elements
  • an existing jQuery object

The cb callback must return a boolean value. It has two parameters:

  • index - zero-based index of current element
  • element - the current DOM element, you can also use the this keyword to access the current element
index(obj) Returns the position of the passed element or -1 if the element is not found.
toArray() Returns collections of the DOM elements as an Array.
is(sel | cb)

Returns true if at least one element matches the given arguments.

The sel parameter can be

  • string with css selector
  • DOM element or array of DOM elements
  • an existing jQuery object

The cb callback must return a boolean value. It has two parameters:

  • index - zero-based index of current element
  • element - the current DOM element, you can also use the this keyword to access the current element