Binary search algorithm
Binary search works on sorted arrays. Main idea is
- keep two pointers to track the search scope in an array, i.e. start and end.
- divide the search space in three parts [start, mid), [mid, mid], (mid, end], where mid is middle element.
- check condition with these ranges
- if we want the left range, then we repeat the first step, the middle element becomes the new last element.
- if we want the right range, then we repeat the first step, where the middle element becomes the new first element.
- else return mid
You can consider ranges [start, mid-1], [mid, mid], [mid+1, end].
Binary search code
guess number game
One player must pick a number, other player must guess the number.
- player A picks a number from 1 to n.
- player B guesses which number player A picked. Let's we have function, that return answer of player A:
- 0 - the picked number is equal to the guessed
- 1 - the picked number is higher than the guessed
- -1 - the picked number is lower than the guessed
- 1 <= n <= 231 - 1
- 1 <= pick <= n
Guess number game code
search in matrix
Check is a value in a m x n matrix with the following properties:
- integers in each row are sorted from left to right
- the first integer of each row is greater than the last integer of the previous row
- m == matrix.length
- n == matrix[i].length
- 1 <= m, n <= 100
- -104 <= matrix[i][j], target <= 104
Main idea:
- search row, where target can be found
- search target in row
Search in matrix code
search in rotated array
Let's we have an sorted array. Then it was rotated by unknown number k.
For example, the array [0,1,2,4,5,6,7] after rotation by k = 4 will be [4,5,6,7,0,1,2].
The task is to return the index of the specified number in the rotated array, or -1 if the number is not in the array.
Main idea is to apply modified binary search algorithm:
- search middle index as usual, i.e. mid = (start + end)/2
- check conditions:
- If target == array[mid], return mid
- check is array[start..mid] is sorted, i.e. array[start] < array[mid], then change a search scope
- if array[start] <= num <= array[mid], set end = mid-1
- else set start = mid+1
- else if array[mid..end] is sorted, i.e. array[mid] < array[end], then change a search scope
- if array[mid] <= num <= array[end], set start = mid+1
- else set end = mid-1
- increase the start by 1 to avoid an infinite loop
Search in rotated array code