Geometry Api
The DOMMatrix class represents the transformation matrix in 2D or 3D space.
constructor | description |
DOMMatrix() | Creates identity matrix for 2D space. |
DOMMatrix(cssTransform) |
Creates matrix from the css transform value, for example
from string 'scale(2) translate(10px, 10px)' |
DOMMatrix(m11, m12,...,m44) |
Creates the transform matrix for 3D space.
DOMMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) |
Creates the transform matrix for 2D space.
properties | description |
a,b,...,f | Matrix elements passed through the constructor. a element is the same as m11, b is the same as m12 and etc. |
m11, m12,..., m44 | Matrix elements passed through the constructor. |
is2D | Value is true, if matrix was initialized as a 2D matrix. Read only. |
isIdentity | Value is true if the matrix is the identity matrix. Read only. |
method | description |
invertSelf() | Modifies the matrix by inverting it and returns itself. |
multiplySelf(m) | Modifies the matrix by post-multiplying it with the specified matrix and returns itself. |
preMultiplySelf(m) | Modifies the matrix by pre-multiplying it with the specified matrix and returns itself. |
translateSelf([x [, y [, z]]) | Applies the specfied translation and returns itself. |
rotateSelf(degZ) | Applies the specified rotation around the z-axis by angle degZ in degrees and returns this matrix and returns itself. |
rotateSelf(degZ) | Applies the specified rotation around the z-axis by angle degZ in degrees and returns itself. |
rotateSelf( |
Applies the specified rotation and returns itself. |
scaleSelf( |
Applies the specfied scale, then applies the translation transform (-oX, -oY, -oZ) and returns itself. Parameters f* specify the scale factors on each axis, default value is 1. |
scale3DSelf( |
Applies the specfied scale, then applies the translation transform (-oX, -oY, -oZ) and returns itself. |
skewXSelf(sX) | Applies the specified skew transformation along the X-axis and returns itself. Parameter sX is angle in degree. |
skewYSelf(sY) | Applies the specified skew transformation along the Y-axis and returns itself. Parameter sY is angle in degree. |
static members | |
method | description |
fromFloat32Array(vals) | Same as contructor (a,...,f) or (m11,...,m44). |
fromFloat64Array(vals) | Same as contructor (a,...,f) or (m11,...,m44). |
There is a class DOMMatrixReadOnly in which properties a, ..., f and m11, ..., m44 are read only.
The DOMPoint class represents a 3D point using homogeneous coordinates.
constructor | description |
DOMPoint([x [, y [, z [, w]]]]) | Creates new point. x, y, z by default are 0. w by default 1. |
property | description |
x | x coordinate of the point. |
y | y coordinate of the point. |
z | z coordinate of the point. |
w | w coordinate of the point. Typically is 1, but can be changed after projection. |
There is a class DOMPointReadOnly in which properties are read only.
The DOMRect class represents a rectangular region an element occupies in the viewport. For example, the Element.getBoundingClientRect() method returns a DOMRect containing the position of the Element.
constructor | description |
DOMRect([x [, y [, width [, height]]]]) | Creates new rectangle. By default the x, y, width and height paramters are 0. |
property | description |
x | x coordinate of the rectangle. |
y | y coordinate of the rectangle. |
width | Width of the point. |
height | Height of the point. |
There is a class DOMRectReadOnly in which properties are read only.
The DOMRectList class represents a list of DOMRect objects associated with the object. For example, the Element.getClientRects() method returns a DOMRectList containing a list of DOMRects for each portion of the Element (the text can be split across multiple lines, thus you will get multiple rectangles).
It has a length property that indicates the number of rectangles.
You can get an item by index via the [] operator or the item(ind) method.
DOMRectList only exists for compatibility with legacy Web content. When specifying a new API, DOMRectList must not be used. Use sequence<DOMRect> instead.
The DOMRect class represents a quadrilateral.
constructor | description |
DOMQuad([p1 [, p2 [, p3 [, p4]]]]) | Creates new quadrilateral. Parameters p* can be DOMPointReadOnly/DOMPoint objects. |
property | description |
p1, p2, p3, p4 | Specify points of the quadrilateral. |
method | description |
getBounds() | Returns a DOMRect object with the coordinates and dimensions of the DOMQuad object. |
static members | |
method | description |
fromRect(rect) | Returns a new DOMQuad object based on the passed set of coordinates. |
fromQuad(quad) | Returns a new DOMQuad object based on the passed set of coordinates. |
toJSON() | Returns a JSON representation of the DOMQuad object. |