Static members
You can add properties in usual way to the function object for making the public static fields and methods.
In ECMA 2015 a static keyword was introduced that allows define public and private static members.
You can access static members via the ClassName., and via this. from other static methods.
function Rectangle(w, h, x=0, y=0){}
Rectangle.descr = "Rectangle is fugure with ...";
Rectangle.calcArea = function(w,h) {return w*h}
console.log(`I. descr = ${Rectangle.descr}`);
class Rectangle2 {
// public
static descr = "Rectangle is fugure with ..."
static descr2 = this.descr
static calcArea(w,h){return w*h}
static outArea(w,h){console.log(this.calcArea(w,h));}
// private
static #pvtDescr = "Rectangle is fugure with ..."
/* does not supported yet
static #pvtCalcArea(w,h){return w*h}
console.log(`II. descr = ${Rectangle2.descr}`);