Utility objects
Thymeleaf provides some utility objects, that can be used in expressions. Most of them
- #strings - methods for String objects
- #numbers - methods for formatting numeric objects
- #bools - methods for boolean
- #maps - methods for maps
- #arrays - methods for arrays
- #lists - methods for lists
- #sets - methods for sets
- #aggregates - methods for aggregating arrays and collections
- #dates - methods for Date objects
- #calendars - methods for Calendar objects
- #objects - methods for objects in general
- #uris - methods for performing URI/URL operations
- #messages - methods for obtaining externalized messages inside variables expressions
- #execInfo - methods for providing a information about the template being processed
<p th:text="${#strings.isEmpty(string)}"></p>
<p th:text="${#strings.defaultString(string,'Default string')}"> </p>
method | description |
toString(obj) | Null-safe conversion object to string. |
trim(str) | Trims a string. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
trim(str) | Computes length of string. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
isEmpty(str) arrayIsEmpty(array) listIsEmpty(lst) setIsEmpty(set) |
Checks whether a <str> is empty (or null). Performs a trim() operation before check. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
defaultString(text ,default) arrayDefaultString(arr, default) listDefaultString(lst, default) setDefaultString(set, default) |
Performs an 'isEmpty()' check on a string and return it if false, defaulting to another specified string if true. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
contains(name,'ez') containsIgnoreCase(name,'ez') |
Check whether a fragment is contained in a String. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
startsWith(name, frag) endsWith(name, frag) |
Check whether a String starts or ends with a fragment. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
indexOf(str, frag) substring(str, from, to) substringAfter(str, prefix) substringBefore(str, suffix) replace(name, frag, to) |
Substring-related operations. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
prepend(str, prefix) append(str, suffix) |
Appends and prepends a string fragment to string. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
toUpperCase(str) toLowerCase(str) |
Change case. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
capitalize(str) unCapitalize(str) |
Changes case of the first character to upper-case or lower-case. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
capitalizeWords(str) capitalizeWords(str, delimiters) |
Convert the first character of every word to upper-case. Same with arrays, lists or sets. |
escapeXml(str) escapeJava(str) escapeJavaScript(str) unescapeJava(str) unescapeJavaScript(str) |
Escaping and unescaping of strings. |
equals(first, second) equalsIgnoreCase(first, second) |
Null-safe case sensitive/insensitive comparison of strings. |
concat(values...) concatReplaceNulls( nullValue, values...) |
Null-safe concatenation of strings. |