
An operator performs some operation on single or multiple operands and produces a result.

/* Most operators are binary or unary  
<left operand> operator <right operand>
<left operand> operator


+ Addition. Can be used with strings.
a = 23+b;
var nick="Nick"+10; // result string "Nick10"
var name=23 +"Name"+10; // result string "23Name10"
var a = b-10;
var a = b*10;
var a = 2**3; // now a equal to 8
/ Division
a = b/10;
% Remainder
a = 24%10; // result 4
++ Increment. You can use postfix increment or prefix increment.
var ind=10;
ind++; // now ind equal to 11
var x = ind++; // now x equal to 11, ind equal to 12
var y = ++ind; // now y and ind equal to 13
-- Decrement. You can use postfix decrement or prefix increment.
var ind=10;
ind--; // now ind equal to 9


== Is equal to. Before comparing, it tries to convert the type of the operands, so 2=='2' is true. See more examples of equality in Javascript.
===Is identical, i.e. both operands refer to the same object or operands have same type and value for primitive types.
See more examples of equality in Javascript
!=Not equal to
!== Not Identical
<Less than
var a = 23 < 45; // now a equal to true
<=Less than or equal to
var a = 46 <= 45; // now a equal to false
> Greater than
var a = 23 > 45;
>= Greater than or equal to
var a = 46 >= 45; 


& Bitwise and
 var a = 23&46; // now a equal to 6
| Bitwise or
var a = 23|46; // now a equal to 63
^ Bitwise xor
var a = 23^46; // now a equal to 57
~ Bitwise not
var a = ~23; // now a equal to -24
<< Bitwise left shift
var a = 23<<4;// now a equal to 368
>> Bitwise right shift
var a = 23>>4;// now a equal to 1
>>> Bitwise right shift with zero
var a = 0xff>>>4;// now a equal to 15


&& Logical and
|| Logical or
! Logical not


= Assign
+= Add and assign
 a+=10; // same as a = a + 10;
-= Subtract and assign
*= Multiply and assign
**= Exponentiate and assign
 a**=3; // same as a = a *** 3;
/= Divide and assign.
%= Take the remainder and assign

Other operators

() Expression grouping or function call
(?:) Conditional operator; returns value based on the condition like if-else.
// syntax 
// expr ? val1 : val2
// if expr equal to true then return first value, otherwise second
var a= x>y ? 23 : 45 ;
, Allows multiple expressions to be evaluated as single statement.
var a=2, b=a+6;
new Create instance of object
in Checks if object has the given property.
instanceof Checks if the object is an instance of given type.
typeof Checks the type of object.

truthy and falsey values

As you know, in some cases JavaScript tries to convert the type. In the case of boolean expressions, the following values are considered to be falsey:

  • "" (empty string)
  • 0
  • null
  • undefined
  • NaN

Following values are considered to be truthy:

  • {} (any object)
  • [] (any array)
  • "hello world" (non-empty string)
  • 123 (non-zero number)

You can use double negation to convert a value to a boolean value.

console.log( typeof !!"hello world" === 'boolean'); // true