
JavaScript has a standard built-in library that provides base types and more.

global functions

function description
eval(str) Evaluates JavaScript code represented as a string.
encodeURI(uri) Encodes a URI. Special characters will not be encoded: , / ? : @ & = + $ #. For encoding special characters use encodeURIComponent() function.
encodeURIComponent(str) Encodes a URI component, including special characters:, / ? : @ & = + $ #.
decodeURI(uri) Decodes a URI, previously created by encodeURI() function
decodeURIComponent(str) Decodes a URI component previously created by encodeURIComponent.
isFinite(x) Determines whether the passed value is a finite number.
parseFloat(str) Parses a string as a floating-point value.
parseInt(str, base) Parses a string as an integer value with specified radix.


type description
Number Type for working with numerical values. It is also automatically used as wrapper for the number primitive type.
BigInt Type for working with numbers larger than 253 - 1. It is also automatically used as wrapper for the bigint primitive type.
Math Contains mathematical constants and functions.


type description
String The main type to represent the string.
RegExp Allows matching text with a pattern (regular expression).


type description
Array The main type to represent the array.
Map The main type to represent the associative array (map).
Set The main type to represent the set.