In HTML 3 type of list:
- <ul> - unordered list
- <ol> - ordered list
- <dl> - description list
Nested lists allowed.
You can use the list-style css property to style the list.
Unordered list
The <ul>element defines a unordered list. The <li> element defines a list item.
The type attribute of the <ul> element defines the list item marker:
- disc sets the list item marker to a bullet (default)
- circle sets the list item marker to a circle
- square sets the list item marker to a square
- none the list items will not be marked
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Ordered list
The <ol>element defines a ordered list. The <li> element defines a list item.
The type attribute of the ol element defines the list item marker:
- 1 numbered with numbers (default)
- A numbered with uppercase letters
- a numbered with lowercase letters
- I numbered with uppercase roman numbers
- i numbered with lowercase roman numbers
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Description list
The <dl>element defines a description list. The <dt> element defines a term and <dd> description of term.
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