Self type

You can implement self type through generics.

Let we have iterable class Node and a DocElementA class that derived from Node. As you can see below, the generic type of child elements is Node. And you can't change it to DocElementA.

class Node
   open var children: MutableList<Node>? = null,
    ) : Iterable<Node>{
     * Iterate over self and all descendants.
    override fun iterator(): Iterator<Node> = NodeIterator(this)

     * Iterate over all descendants.
    open fun iteratorDescendants(): Iterator<Node> =

class NodeDescendantsIterator
    (private val rootElement: Node) : Iterator<Node> { ... }
class NodeIterator
    (private val rootElement: Node) : Iterator<Node> { ... }

open class DocElement : Node() { ... }

// usage
docElement.forEach { it -> // it will be Node type, not DocElementA


Below example with the "self type" (underlined).

open class Node<T: Node<T>>
   open var children: MutableList<T>? = null,
    ) : Iterable<T> { ...
open class Node<T>
   open var children: MutableList<T>? = null,
    ) : Iterable<T> where T: Node<T>{

     * Iterate over self and all descendants.
    override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> = NodeIterator(this as T)

     * Iterate over all descendants.
    open fun iteratorDescendants(): Iterator<T> = NodeDescendantsIterator(this as T)

class NodeDescendantsIterator<T : Node<T>>
    (private val rootElement: T) : Iterator<T> { ... }
class NodeIterator<T : Node<T>>
    (private val rootElement: T) : Iterator<T> { ... }
open class DocElement : Node<DocElement>() { ... }

// usage
docElement.forEach { it -> // it will be DocElementA type


self type with abstract classes

builder class with self type

self type with interfaces

builder class via interface