Kotlin provides all standard operators to build expression.
Unlike Java, some statements can be used as operator that returns last value:
- if else
- when
- try catch
Most operators are implemented as methods of the corresponding types. Thus, you can use operators in infix notation as usual or as methods.
// val orResult = num1.or(num2)
val orResult = num1 or num2
Kotlin allows you to provide custom implementations for the predefined set of operators using overloading.
To implement an operator, provide a member function or an extension function with a specific name and the operator modifier for the corresponding type.
unary operators
+, -, ++ (increases value by 1), -- (decreases value by 1), ! (invert boolean value)
val x = 1
val y = 1
val b = true
The postfix “++” operator, first returns the current value and then increases the value.
The prefix “++” operator, first increases the value and then returns the newly incremented value.
Similarly for "--" operator.
To overload unary operators use following methods:
- unaryPlus - for unary +
- unaryMinus - for unary -
- not - for !
- inc - for ++
- dec - for --
arithmetic operators
+, -, *, /, % (remainder of division), .. (range from a to b)
The + operator is also used for the concatenation of String values.
To overload arithmetic operators use following methods:
- plus - for binary +
- minus - for binary -
- times - for *
- div - for /
- rem - for % (remainder of division)
- rangeTo - for .. (range from a to b)
var z = x + y // or x.plus(y)
var rangeAB = a..b // or a.rangeTo(b)
assignment operators
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
To overload assignment operators use following methods:
- Kotlin does not support overriding the = operator
- plusAssign - for binary +=
- minusAssign - for binary -=
- timesAssign - for *=
- divAssign - for /=
- remAssign - for %=
Assignments are not expressions in Kotlin, i.e. don't generate result.
comparison operators
- <
- >
- <= - less than or equal to
- >= - greater than or equal to
- != - not equal
- == - equal
To overload comparison operators use following methods:
- compareTo - for <, >, <=, >=
- equals - for ==, !=
The identity equals operator === checks whether the operands point to the same object. Operator can’t be overloaded.
Similarly operator !== checks whether the operands point to the different objects. Operator can’t be overloaded.
logic operators
- && logical and, returns true if both statements are true
- || logical or, returns true if one of the statements is true
- ! - logical not, inverts boolean value
You can not overload || and && operators.
bitwise operators
Bitwise operators are used on following types:
- Int
- Long
val orResult = num1 or num2 // bitwise "or"
val andResult = num1 and num2 // bitwise "and"
val andResult = num1 xor num2 // bitwise "xor"
val orResult1 = num1.or(num2) // perform bitwise "or" via method
To overload bitwise operators use following methods:
- or
- and
- xor
- inv - bit inversion
- shl - shift bits into the low-order positions (i.e. left shift)
- shr - shift bits into the high-order positions, filling the leftmost bits with copies of the sign bit (i.e. right shift)
- ushr - shift bits into the high-order positions, filling the leftmost bits with zeros.
null safety operators
Use ?: (Elvis operator) to check null value.
var l: Int = if (b != null) b.length else -1
// same as
l = b?.length ?: -1
Use ?. operator to specify that value can be null. Safe calls are useful in chains.
val a = "Kotlin"
val b: String? = null
println(a?.length) // Unnecessary safe call
// Returns null if any of the properties in it is null.
var name = bob?.department?.head?.name
Use the !! operator to indicate that a value cannot be null.
val l = b!!.length
other operators
Use the get()/set() method to override the [] index operator. By default [] operator is implemented for arrays, lists and maps.
var item1 = a[i] // same as: a.get(i)
var item2 = b[i,j] // c b.get(i, j)
a[i] = v // same as: a.set(i, v)
b[i, j] = v // same as: b.set(i,j, v)
// similarly for n arguments
Use the contains() method to override the in operator. By default [] operator is implemented for collections.
a in b // same as: b.contains(a)
a !in b // same as: !b.contains(a)
Use the invoke() method to override the () operator.
a() // same as: a.invoke()
a(i) // same as: a.invoke(i)
// similarly for n arguments
operator overloading
To implement an operator, provide a member function or an extension function with a specific name for the corresponding type.
Mark the corresponding function with the operator modifier.
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)
operator fun Point.unaryMinus() = Point(-x, -y)
val point = Point(10, 20)
fun main() {
println(-point) // prints "Point(x=-10, y=-20)"
&&, ||, ?:, ===, !== operators cannot be overloaded.