
Kotlin provides the built-in numeric classes.

type size (bits) values
Byte 8 [-128; 127]
Short 16 [-32768; 32767]
Int 32 [-231; 231 - 1]
Long 64 [-263; 263 - 1]
Float 32
24 significant bits
8 exponent bits
Can have 6-7 decimal digits. If a value contains more than 6-7 decimal digits, it will be rounded.
Double 64
53 significant bits
11 exponent bits
Can have 15-16 decimal digits.
val one = 1 // Int
val threeBillion = 3000000000 // Long
val oneLong = 1L // Long
val oneByte: Byte = 1
val pi = 3.14 // Double
val e = 2.7182818284 // Double
val eFloat = 2.7182818284f // Float, actual value is 2.7182817


There are no implicit widening conversions for numbers in Kotlin. And smaller types are not subtypes of bigger ones. You must use the converion methods.


Absence of implicit conversions is rarely noticeable because the type is inferred from the context, and arithmetical operations are overloaded for appropriate conversions

val l = 1L + 3 // Long + Int => Long

All numeric classes have the following conversion methods.

method description
toByte() Converts this value to Byte.
toShort() Converts this value to Short.
toInt() Converts this value to Int.
toLong() Converts this value to Long.
toFloat() Converts this value to Float.
toDouble() Converts this value to Double.
toChar() Converts this value to Char.